UNITED STATES info@pmeasuring.com +1 303 443 7100
UNITED KINGDOM info.uk@pmeasuring.com +44 01733 454 207
IRELAND info.ie@pmeasuring.com +353 1 295 7373

Particle Counter Rental

Rent a Particle Counter from PMS

Rental options for clients requiring equipment on a short-term or project-specific basis.

Particle Measuring Systems offers a rental program for certain instruments and environmental monitoring equipment. Instruments can be rented from a minimum of one month to a maximum of three months *in the following countries. Introductory or in-depth training can be arranged for your rental as required. Please note that availability of these rental instruments is limited and subject to prior bookings.

*Rental units are for use only in these countries.

airborne particle counter pharmaceutical contamination controlProducts are available for rental and use in the following global locations:


United States

Ireland & United Kingdom



(Click here for link to Chinese website)

France and Belgium


(Click here for link to Italian website)


Poland & Baltic (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)

Switzerland & Austria




Contact us for more information