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USP788 – Particulate Matter in Injections

1. Start with this USP 788 overview paper

This paper discusses the requirements laid out by US (USP), European (EP), and Japanese (JP) Pharmacopoeia standards and includes the most recent USP 788 (USP 42 2018), EP 5.1, and JP 17 release information. These standards demand that injectable solutions are effectively monitored for microcontamination, specifically non-soluble particulates.

USP 788 Overview Paper

2. Watch this On-Demand webinar for an overview of the requirements and a solution

USP 788 Requirements & Solutions

Other Webinars to consider:

Meeting USP 729 / USP 788-1788 Regulatory Requirements

USP 1788 2022 Revision Overview






3.Get an effective and reliable USP 788 solution

The APSS-2000 Liquid Particle Counter meets USP 788; sizes & counts suspended particles in a wide range of liquids, including parenterals.

SamplerSight Pharma Particle Counter Software controls syringe-operated samplers and collects data from a LiQuilaz particle sensor. Provides easy USP 788 calibration, and is 21 CFR Part 11 compliant.
Particle Measuring Systems is direct in every major market and able to ensure the same ongoing support
no matter where you are located.
Contact us today for a quote

USP788 Particulate Matter in Injections

Are you sending out your samples for liquid particle count testing? Heather Mason discusses a money saving solution that also significantly reduces turnaround time. This USP788 particle matter in injections particle monitoring solution from Particle Measuring Systems meets #USP788, #USP789, #21cfrpart11, and all #Pharmacopia. Only the APSS-2000 uses a particle counting spectrometer to choose multiple particle sizes, allowing for a wide variety of contamination control and sample testing applications.
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Contamination Control Products

Liquid Particle Counter for USP 788: APSS-2000

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SamplerSight™ Pharma Liquid Particle Counter Software

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Or, let us help you find a solution for your contamination monitoring:

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