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The NanoAir™ 10, 10 nm air and gas Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) is the latest in our line of Industry Leading Sensitivity products. It provides the sensitivity of a CPC with the ease of use and functionality of a traditional cleanroom particle counter. Designed to monitor ultra-clean environments, it delivers 10 nm detection sensitivity at a sample flow rate of 2.8 L/min (0.1 CFM).

The NanoAir 10’s size is 83% smaller than competitive products making it practical to use anywhere in ultra-clean environments, including inside semiconductor process tools and equipment front-end modules (EFEM). The innovative patent-pending working fluid handling system design is robust and efficient, enabling 24/7/365 days of continuous operation without user intervention of any kind between the annually required working fluid refill and calibration. Thereby, reducing sampling and data collection interruptions and tool downtime.

A 10-port manifold companion product (ParticleSeeker™) supports applications that require multiple sample locations to be monitored in sequential or programmed sequences. Additionally, the NanoAir is high-pressure gas compatible with the HPD-III from PMS, and data can be viewed, analyzed, and reported using PMS Facility Net facility monitoring software or transmitted directly to third-party SCADA systems or process tool inputs.

Learn more by watching this video and click below for a quote.

Contamination Control Products

Condensation Particle Counter CPC
NanoAir™ 10

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20 nm Liquid Particle Counter: Ultra DI® 20 Plus

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20 nm Chemical Particle Counter: Chem 20™

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AMC Monitoring: AirSentry® II Point-of-Use Ion Mobility Spectrometer

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