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On Demand

Characterization of Critical Factors Affecting the Stabilization Time of Particle Measurements in Ultra-Pure Water Systems



Particle measurements in ultra-pure water (UPW) systems can take a considerable time to return to a stable baseline after an event interrupt normal operation (such as maintenance shutdowns). A characterization study was performed to evaluate the contribution of critical factors to the stabilization time of measurements in UPW for particles 20 nm and above. It was found that invasive actions, such as installing new sample tubing and components, had the most significant impact on the stabilization time. In contrast, non-invasive actions, such as PTFE and PFA valve actuation and the typical warm-up period of the particle counter, had much less influence. It was also shown that specific measures, such as adequate flushing of new tubing and components and minimizing sample tubing lengths, can effectively reduce the particle clean-up time.

In this free webinar you’ll learn:

  • how long the liquid particle counter takes to clean up,
  • how long it takes for the unit to report stable data in ultra-pure water systems.

Who should attend:

All users of inline liquid particle counter, especially those working in the following departments:

  • Quality assurance
  • Process engineering
  • Production engineering
  • Facility engineering


Webinar presented by:

Peter Sun, Application Manager, Particle Measuring Systems

Peter Sun has an experience over 15 years in the semiconductor industry with process chemical and contamination control. Peter holds a B.S in Chemistry and a Master’s degree in physical chemistry. He is based in our office in Korea.

Peter Sun