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Feller Table of Statistical Corrections for BioCapt® Instruments

Efficiency by design with the BioCapt® Microbial Impactor


How efficient are you at capturing viable particles — colony forming units (CFUs) — on your media surfaces? Statistical calculations using Feller’s formula demonstrate that the design of the BioCapt® Microbial Impactor improves biological collection efficiencies in microbial air sampling. With precision-cut slits to ensure laminar flow, the Impactor maximizes biological collection efficiencies for viable particles in accordance with ISO 14698-1/Annex B for microbial air sampling in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments.

This application note will help you:

  • Understand calculated statistical results using Feller’s formula.
  • Solve problems that arise in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments for viable particles when sampling for microbial air contaminants.
  • Learn how the design of the BioCapt Microbial Impactor helps improve your biological efficiencies at laminar airflows of 25–50 L/min and 100 L/min.

Interested in learning more? Complete the form on the right side of this page to receive a free copy of the Table of statistical corrections according to Feller for the BioCapt Microbial Impactor in microbial air sampling application note.

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