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Data Management Series 1 – Applying Industrial Automation Design: Build Reliable and Secure Facility Monitoring Systems

Cleanroom Environmental Monitoring Systems

Industrial automation design and architecture concepts are applied in factories around the world. These designs are successful because they are flexible, autonomous, reliable, and their components are interchangeable. Particle Measuring Systems (PMS) has studied and applied these same concepts and lessons when building reliable Facility Monitoring Systems (FMS) with data integrity.

The industrial automation approach is used to manage production and automatic processes where human intervention is required only as a supervisory function and during setup. Monitoring systems are considered a subset of this category. The difference is that the monitoring does not provide for handling and implementation of mechanisms, but only for the acquisition and interpretation of data.

This industrial approach is the key to assure reliability and data integrity. It is made up of four layers, with each having the ability to work independently if the need arises. Each layer has its own instrument and application.

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