Microbial Contamination Monitoring and cleanroom data management Cleanroom Classification v. Cleanroom monitoring
Particle Counter Counting Efficiency

Understanding particle counter counting efficiency helps you to identify the best solution for your application and understand the data from the particle counter. 

All non-volumetric particle counters have sample volume growth to some degree, which results in a lower particle counting efficiency at the lower limit of detection and variable particle counting efficiency across the lower channel sizes. This increase in particle counting efficiency with particle size means the counting efficiency measured at a single particle size in this channel cannot be applied to the entire channel. Use of the particle counting efficiency as a correction factor does not result in “true” particle counts.

Process Chemical Particle
High-Purity Process Chemical
Particle Contamination Control

High-Purity Process Chemical Particle Contamination Control has become increasingly complex due to nanometer technology. As semiconductor devices become increasingly complex, and the critical particle size for today’s leading-edge technology nodes decreases into the sub-10 nm size-range, the control and mitigation of potentially yield-impacting particle contamination at the smallest possible particle size becomes ever more crucial. Until recently, there has been a significant sensitivity gap between the critical particle size and the detection limit of traditional chemical particle counters. This paper covers solutions…

Liquid Particle Counter for USP 788
USP 1788 2022 Revision Overview Frequently Asked Questions

In May 2021, a revision to USP <1788> Methods for Determination of Subvisible Particulate Matter was published in order to provide clarification and support of the information given in chapters USP <788> Particulate Matter in Injections, USP <789> Particulate Matter in Ophthalmic Solutions, and USP <787> Sub-visible Particulate Matter in Therapeutic Protein Injections. While the previous version of USP <1788> only covered the testing requirements for Optical Light Obscuration testing and Microscope testing, the revision expands the scope of testing requirements to include newly viable technologies such as Flow Imaging and new therapeutic protein solutions. Particle Measuring Systems’(PMS) APSS-2000 testing system still fully complies with the requirements for use in the testing of solutions in the Normative Chapters and revised General Chapters.